User: bumlonely2492

Latest reviews by bumlonely2492

  • Verified photosI am Mehak professional escort - escort in Mumbai
    Rating: 5 / 5

    I met Mehak on the 23rd of August and I am so glad that I got to spend time with her. When I first contacted her, I was looking for a Femdom session. She was very patient with me and we had a continuous line of communication open between us so that she could really understand what I really wanted from the session. And trust me, she was absolutely phenomenal!! As soon as I entered her home, she just completely dominated me from the start. She was even better than 99% of the actual Mistresses in the field! She is definitely not a time watcher and makes you feel very comfortable and needed. I hope to come back for another round in the future!

    Thank you so much honey for giving a wonderful review I hope you meet soon πŸ₯‚πŸŒΊπŸ“πŸ“

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