She is too good.... Take me too heaven..... I lost my virgin tonu bbe... Thanks..she genuine...…
I have met Sanam a couple of times.. She is very sexy IRL and quite tall and has a great body.…
Meet 4 to 5 times, great service, sexy body… hope will meet as soon
Hi dear I need your support one day please come and stay my home my wife and you an me enjoy the…
Met my meghna beauty 3 times. Had best experience of my life. Best in everything.
Love the…
I was been with her, she was very tall and sexy , when she approached she killed my manliness and…
I don't know, she might forget me, 3 months back I meet her in video call she nice and with cock…
Recently take service from her.she received in good manner made me comfortable. Reg service no…
Such a cute SHEMALE U r
Thank u Anitha had wonderful Role play and u r perfect Mistress for…
She is not a cheat, I've never reviewed for her service. Now I'm reviewing because she is one of…
Meet meera today she was so cute and friendly nature no words to describe over all had great time…
I'm coming to Chennai on 15.
Do you visit…
Yes call for more details
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