Currently not available.

What makes me unique? Well, my sophisticated classic femininity and my beautiful body.,

Shenushi is purely a genuine independent escort and loves to interact with royal clients so my dear If you have grown tired and bored with the ordinary and crave the company of a beautiful companion with whom you can spend a wonderful time in your luxurious hotel room or business trip holidays. so Just WhatsApp me to make an appointment with me and I'll make you relax and satisfy deeply. When we meet, my warm personality and genuine interest will quickly put you at ease, as if we have known each other our entire lives.

My excellent service will make your body, soul and mind completely satisfy and relaxed.
?Gift Details?
My Gift is per one hour 33500/- as incall(includes room details)and 40000/- as outcall
Additional hours will charge by 10000/- per hour(including additional stay)
Full night charge is 70000/-(including 6 hours with a maximum of 4 times)
Note-if my mobile switch off just send me a WhatsApp message. will reply to you soon

කරුණාකර වට්ස් ඇප් මගින් මාව සම්බන්ධ කර ගැනීමට ප්‍රතම මා විසින් සපයනු ලබන සේවා විස්තර හා සපයනු ලබන සේවාවන් සදහා අය කරනු ලබන ගාස්තු ගැන හොදින් කියවා බලා සම්බන්ද කර ගන්නා මෙන් ඉල්ලා සිටිමි.ඉහත සදහන් සේවාවන් වලට අමතරව ANAL යන කිසිදු සේවාවක් සපයනු නොලැබේ.තවද ඇතුලත් කර ඇති සියලුම photos මට අයත් එවා වන අතර එය MR Administration එකෙන් තහවුරු කර ඇත.එබැවින් photos ඉල්ලා සිටිමෙන් වලකින්න.හුදෙක් ඔබගේ වින්දනය සදහා හා විස්තර දැනගැනීම සදහා පමනක් අවශ්‍යතාවයන් තිබෙන්නා වූ පුද්ගලයන් කරුනාකර ඈත් ව් සිටින්න.මෙම කරුණු මෙලෙස සදහන් කිරීමට සිදු වීම සම්බන්ධ මා කණගාටු වන අතර එය ඒසේ සදහන් කිරීමට සිදු වූවේ ඔබෙත් මගෙත් වටිනා කාලය නිකරුණේ නාස්ති වීම වලක්වා ගැනීම පිණිස බව කරුණාවෙන් සලකන්න.

Incalls per hour from
33,500 SLRs (US$ 111)
Outcalls per hour from
40,000 SLRs (US$ 133)
English (Fluent)
167 cm / 5′6″
Hair color
Sri Lankan
Sri Lanka
  • Rating: 1 / 5by

    She was a crook guys.
    Just stay away from her.

    Just wow.Thank you

  • Rating: 5 / 5by (3 other reviews)

    She is amazing and fulfills the needs, I have done different positions and she is enjoyed. I really love it want to meet again, she looks bit homely girl but very much good on bed. You can enjoy highly recommented.

    Thank you darling.kisses😘

  • Rating: 2 / 5by (3 other reviews)

    Way too expensive and always in a rush. Not worth the money. Lift as well as spend 25k on something else.

    Thank you.take care

  • Rating: 5 / 5by

    She is amazing will recommend her for any one.please change your profile picture or upload new ones if you can

    Thank you😘

  • Rating: 3 / 5by (2 other reviews)

    Nice girl but wasn't exactly what I expected so I am on the fence.

    Thank u ❤️

  • Rating: 1 / 5by (3 other reviews)

    Hi Shenushi
    Thank you for the reply, I am so surprised you have forgotten this that fast. This happened on the 7th October 2019 between 9.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. It sounds like you got so angry with me. I can tell it by looking at your reply. I don’t think I have to send you my phone number one more time. I don’t think you want to apologize, probably you might say some other nonsense. Sometimes your reply is bit funny too. You have said “Sadakal Athwada Pamanai” it is up to you to think that way. I can’t stop your thinking. If you think I don’t have back bone it is up to you to think like that.
    This site has so many nice looking girls. If you ready to pay the prize you will get it. I think the guys know it very well. Probably you are not aware it because you live in your own world. I think you remember one think your business depend on the client satisfaction. If I use the Sinhlese word “Uddachakama” will bring you down to the ground.
    You claimed you are 22 years now. in 10 years you will be 32. Even you are so beautiful in no time it would change. in 15 years it would be worse. Then you will have beg the client. How you make your living?
    Have a good day

  • Rating: 1 / 5by (3 other reviews)

    I am Wimal
    The reviews below written by me I was surprised how she has got the five star rating for disappointing me. I don't want to give even one star to her. if somebody read the review he might be surprised why have I given five stars after badly disappointing me that is why I wrote this review again. Before I post the review I didn't even click the stars.

    Hi wimal Please dont make fake reviews.better you look after your own work without weasting your time.i didnt work for last three years.i just started work here.

  • Rating: 5 / 5by (3 other reviews)

    She has lot of good reviews. However, I will add my experience with her. I was in Sri Lanka last month and I wanted to get her service. So I sent a text asking her whether I could get her service the next day few hours later, she sent me a text and agreed. Time we agreed was between 9.30 A.M to 10.30 A.M. I stayed in Kaluthara. The next day I came to Kollupitiya around 9.00 A.M. with her gift. I still didn't know her location. I sent a message and asked her to send me the details of her hotel. 45 minutes later she sent me a text and said "I went out yesterday now I am coming back. Can you come at 4.00 P.M tomorrow or tomorrow morning`` I don`t have time to waste like that because I had different programmes everyday during my vacation. I told her I would be busy tomorrow. After she did not even say anything. Not even an apology. I don`t have any experience with her service so I don`t have any comment on that. This is my experience. I think she does not care about the client`s time or anything. So guys you decide. I am a genuine client I was very disappointed. This is not fake this is truth nothing but the truth.
    This is Wimal

    Hey Mr Wimal thank u for putting like this review .let me know u something
    1.සරලව සින්හලෙන් ම කීවෝත් ඔය තරම් ලොකූ සීන් එකේ ඉදලා ඔයාට කවදාවත් සල්ලී දීලා වත් ඔයාගේ අවශ්‍යතාව ඉශ්ට කරගන්න බැරි බව.සදාකල් අත් වැඩ පමනයි
    2.මම ඔයාට එන්න කියලා ඔයාව රස්තියාදු නොකරපු එක ගැන සතුටු වෙන්න.
    3.ඔයාගේ කාලය ඒ තරම් වටිනවා නම් මේ තරම් දිග හෑලී review කිරීමෙන් වැලකී සිටීමෙන් ඔබේ වටිනා කාලය සෑහෙන්න ඉතුරු කරගන්න පූලුවන්.
    4.එන පාරීබෝගිකයා කොතෙක් දුරට ගැලපෙන්නේ ද යන්න මම තීරනය කරන බැවින් යම් හෙයකින් මෙම සිදු වීම සත්‍ය සිදුවීමක් නම් ඔබ වැනි මෙලෝ රහක් නැති පොරක් සමග මුදලට හෝ නොපැමිණීම පිලිබදව මා ගත් තීරණය නිවරදි බව
    5.මේ තරම් ඔබ ඇත්ත කියන කෙනෙක් නම් නැවත මාගේ email ගිනුමට ඔබ මා සමග සම්බන්ධ වූ දුරකථන අංකය එවන්න.පරික්ශා කිරීමක් කිරිමෙන් අනතුරුව ඔබ විසින් තැබූ අනෙකුත් review එකට මා පිලිතුරු සපයන්නම්.කොන්ද පන ඇති පිරිමියෙකු ලෙස මා හට ඔබේ නිවරදි බව සනාථ කරන්න.එක ඇත්තක් නම් එලග review එකෙන් ඒ වෙනුවෙන් මා ඔබගෙන් සිදු වූ දෝශයට සමාව ගැනීමට වුවද මා පසුබට නොවෙමි.ස්තූතිය

  • Rating: 1 / 5by (4 other reviews)

    I called and text what up also but you block, I thought it’s lies account send me your correct number

    Whatsapp me 0774134419.or else massage me via massagerepublic

  • Rating: 1 / 5by (4 other reviews)

    I was call but they didn’t answer and no any reply, I think they telling Lies , can you send direct contact number please

    U can contact me only whatsapp though .So when you call before read carefully what are the instructions given.thanks

  • Rating: 5 / 5by

    I met this nice girl on last Sunday. She is beautiful, clean , nice body shape, punctual and innocent. She give her service without watching the clock. Also, she is very cooperative. Recommended for everyone

    Thank your lovely review❤️.Hope we can meet again

  • Rating: 1 / 5by

    Details say only whats app, tried messaging and calling through whats app and no response or reply. Finally the contact has been blocked. Watch out, looks like fake!

    Thankyou for your review❤️This profie i use for Bisness purpose only.I dont want weasting time here.I put all my service details and other information on the profile.And other wise i send a whatsapp Commen massage including my service and payment details to every customer when they contact me on whatsapp also.with out reading this information someone ask same thing again by again its disterb for me.It May be reason for blocking.And if i feel not genuine about other party ,it will be block also.කරුණාකර දුර්වල මානසික මට්ටම් inbox ඇතුලේ ප්‍රදර්ශනය කිරිමෙන් වලකින්න.එය ඔබගේ පෞරුෂත්වයට හානි කරයි.

  • Rating: 5 / 5by (3 other reviews)

    Met her again today 😍😍😍 totally worth it... Wish I could have done more things with her....

    Thank you❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • Rating: 5 / 5by

    She is a lovely girl. Very elegant and clean. Provides good GFE. Nice figure too. She is smart also can have a good conversation. Treat her nicely because she deserves it !!

    Thank you my love😍😍😍i hope u meet me again🤩🤩

  • Rating: 5 / 5by (3 other reviews)

    Met her last week and had a good time !!! looking forward to meeting her again while wearing a saree

    Thank you my love😘😘😘 also i want see u again.cheers..

  • Rating: 5 / 5by

    Met her yesterday.
    Had a lovely time with her. ❤️
    Nice body shape &Lovely smell.
    She made me feel like heaven..❤️❤️💋💋
    Services are extraordinary 🙈
    I hope to meet her again and again...

    Thank you lovely .i hope you spend wonderful time with you again.😘😘😘

  • Are you available on these days?

    by Thil_90 – 10 Feb 2022

    Yes available.Thanks

  • are you available? contact number pls

    by orangeboy – 15 Dec 2021

    Yes I’m me on WhatsApp.

  • Do u allow lip kiss? Can u do a session for 10k?

    by luckiperera32 – 3 Aug 2021


  • if you do navel fetish what will you do to my navel or what can i do to your navel

    by joesaint886 – 23 Jul 2021

    Contact me on WhatsApp.ill give you details

  • Do you perform cam?

    by Yohanchanu93 – 11 May 2021

    Sorry dear.i don’t do cam

  • what is yur height with heels???

    by Riofernandez – 19 Apr 2021

    5.6ft .contact me appointments

  • Can you provide a season with wearing a saree.i need a full service with a caning season

    by nuwamora87 – 7 Feb 2021

    Contact thought my WhatsApp

  • husband is my slave(with chastity cage) & he is bad at giving me oral worship even though i am his goddess.i wanted to know if u are strict nough to teach him 2 give orally please women and nothing else? He will pay 3000per visit..

    by reema_5 – 30 Sep 2021

    Oh no dear.sorry.check my profile for details.Thanks

  • hi darling do u do golden shower? brown shower ?

    by Diablomt1987 – 5 Aug 2021

    No I’m not do

  • can i meet u

    by orangeboy – 14 Jan 2021

    Yes contact me on WhatsApp

  • පුකට දිව දාන්න දෙනවාද?

    by svet1 – 19 Oct 2021

    Yeah if you say so

  • doing cam show these days?

    by roxyboy – 10 Nov 2020

    I’m not doing cam shows.Im sorry

  • do you do navel fetish

    by joesaint886 – 25 Sep 2020

    i allow

  • Hi akki do u let to kiss everhwere n suck ass

    by Pasindu521 – 18 Oct 2020

    Drop me Message .Thank you

  • Do you perform cam?

    by Yohanchanu93 – 17 Aug 2020

    I’m not doing.sorry dear

  • Hi dear,
    I love girls with piercings. May I know whether you have a nose piercing or any other piercing other than ears?

    by ankletstockings – 24 Sep 2020

    yes i have

  • Api couple ekak oyata puluwanda ape slave wenna

    by wcouple7 – 2 Sep 2020

    No dear.

  • Are you available next week?

    by romajoe4u – 13 Aug 2020

    Yes dear I’m available

  • Can i take your panti after the session

    by Nilushik – 6 Jul 2020

    Let me know early 😁

  • can i shower with you??

    by kasunwick99 – 8 Jun 2020

    Yes you can

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